Saturday, May 18, 2013

Baby Bevan #2

Well... it is no surprise that we are expecting our second little bundle of joy!! We found out in early December and ever since it has been a whirlwind.  We had 3 ultrasounds before we were actually able to see a little "dot" on the screen.  Each time we would go, I would pray that the little baby was growing and doing well and finally 3rd times a charm... there baby was!!!

     Once it was officially confirmed, we decided to tell our families on Christmas.  I had notecards made to make the announcement.  I went back and forth with what pictures I wanted to include on the announcement.... should I include Carter or have it just be about Baby #2? Finally, I made my decision and sent them off to be made!  Christmas Eve we told RTB's family by handing out the cards and then on Christmas Day we shared the news with my family! AUGUST we come!!

     As far as the pregnancy has gone.... it has had similarities to my pregnancy with CTB but also been MUCH more dramatic.  I thought for sure I was having a girl because I thought only a girl could cause this much trouble!!  I struggled with bleeding for my entire first trimester which involved LOT of doctor appointments, ultrasounds, and praying! My second trimester brought on fainting.... yes fainting/passing out.  I struggled throughout the entire trimester to stay on two feet.  This ultimately involved even more doctor appointments, hospital stays, being taken out of work, and even more praying! I'm excited to begin the third trimester as I am feeling better and heading back to work and then into summer!  Although, I am getting uncomfortable..... I am comforted by the fact that I can now feel Baby #2 move and groove!
    GENDER REVEAL: I had an ultrasound early at 17 weeks that determined Baby #2's gender.  RTB didn't want to know the gender (or so he thought) so I was lucky enough to have my college roomie and best friend join me for the ultrasound! After I returned home from the ultrasound, RTB didn't last an hour before he had to know!  His guess was a girl and I had said boy all along (well other than the drama thing).  Finally, he asked me to tell him one last time and I said "IF you ask me again I'm just going to tell you because I'm not going to live like this...haha" so he asked and I yelled "BOY!" Two boys...well three if you count RTB!!! I'm officially outnumbered and I couldn't be more excited!! We shared the gender at RTB's birthday dinner the following weekend with our family! My wonderful roomie/bf makes amazing cookies and was gracious enough to make gender reveal cookies for the occasion!( Below are some pictures from the reveal!

    From the get go, I knew exactly what I wanted his first name to be.... Wyatt!!  We had originally decided on Harrison for his middle name, however, after thinking more and more about it...we decided to dig through our family names to give him at least one family name:) CTB's whole name is family names pieced together (my family, his family, his family) and Wyatt is not a family name in either of our families but I am absolutely in LOVE with it!!! So after lots of digging and discussion we decided on "Alexander"for his middle name (part of RTB's side of the family)! Now let the monogramming begin!!!

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