Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 7 of Vacation: Laying Low

Today didn't amount to much! Mommy went shopping for an hour or so by herself while MiMi watched CTB.  Then CTB and Mommy cuddled on the couch ALL day while MiMi layed out in the sun. It was definitely a perfect end to our first beach vacation! Can't wait for many more!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 6 of Vacation: Shop til you Drop

  The weather got cooler today so we decided we would spend the day going to the "far away" outlets on 501 and the "new" mall, Grand Coastal.  We left the condo around 9:30pm and didn't get back until around 4:40pm...WHEW! CTB spent his time in the stroller and in the "back-pack".  He was SOOO good! He didn't cry once and let mommy and MiMi get their shopping fix for the week!

Hanging out in the stroller

Diaper Change


CTB was a happy boy once we were safe and sound back at the condo!! Such a sweet boy :)

Day 3 of Vacation: Family Pictures

 So we took family pictures at dusk on the beach on Easter BUT I need help to decide which one to get printed BIG and framed for the house!  So comment and let me know which one you think!

 Option #1
 Option #2
Option #3

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 5 of Vacation: Happy Birthday MiMi!

  Today we celebrated the most influential woman in my life! My mother is the most caring, thoughtful, beautiful woman you will ever meet. I strive each day to have even an ounce of her generosity, creative flair, and kindness. We love you MiMi!

  We started off the morning lazy as usual with a little gift giving! We gave the birthday girl and personalized "MiMi" tervis tumbler (a MUST in our family), Outlet gift card, and hilarious card that RTB picked out. Then MiMi and mommy went to the post office to mail a package to TeTe then checked out an outdoor furniture place. {MiMi and PaPa are getting a screened in deck and need some nice furniture for the space.} Once we got back to the condo we started on the bucket list for MiMi......beach & Hamburger Joe's for dinner.  I got to hang out with the girls on the beach while daddy stayed with CTB inside then it was off to Hamburger Joe's, a family tradition, for dinner! After dinner, Daddy, Tammy, & Jordan headed back to VA while Mommy, MiMi, & CTB went back to the condo to relax and get a good night's sleep.
CTB & his MiMi

3 generations

CTB's first of many trips to Hamburger Joe's

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 4 of Vacation: Alligators, Reptiles, & No Sleep...Oh My!

Since today is Daddy's last day on vacation with us MiMi offered to do whatever so that we could spend some time together.  She hung out with little man while we enjoyed some beach time together and also so we could enjoy a night out on the town! There was one HUGE "whoops!" on our part though........

  Daddy took CTB, Jordan, and Tammy to Alligator Adventure in the morning time.  They got to see lots of alligators, reptiles, and snakes! Mommy decided to sit this one out but will definitely go when CTB is old enough to understand and get excited about what is going on. Daddy fed CTB at the alligator farm around 11:30am....

When everyone got back from their big morning out, CTB was exhausted.  He fell asleep shortly after his bottle. MiMi watched CTB while we went down to the beach and asked if she wanted us to wake him up for his next feeding or just let him sleep.  I had some reservations but figured "He will sleep when he is tired and eat when he is hungry."  All was well and CTB woke up around 4:30pm to eat and then hung out and played.  Mommy & Daddy went out for the night and MiMi was going to watch Carter through the night.

Well he saved all the fun for her because he woke up at 10:30pm, 1:30am, and 4:30am!!! WHOOPS!! I guess letting him sleep through an entire feeding isn't the smartest when you want your 8pm-6am schedule to continue! Luckily, MiMi was a great sport and hung in there!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 3 of Vacation: {Hoppy} Easter

Easter Morning was perfect!  Jordan and CTB got to open their baskets from the Easter Bunny and everyone enjoyed a yummy breakfast! After spending a lazy morning inside we spent the rest of the day out on the beach! I think the day is better described in pictures....
Note on the door for the Easter Bunny from Jordan & Carter
Carter's Easter Basket 
plus Mommy & Daddy's Easter Pails(thanks MiMi)

Carter's goodies
CTB after he opened his basket
Attempt at a cute photo shoot!(Thanks to Jordan & MiMi for helping!)
Carter Bunny & Easter Bunny (one of my faves!)
Our little family!
CTB on the beach in his Beach Cabana

  We did have a FABULOUS photo shoot at dusk....a sneak peek coming soon!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 2 of Vacation: A little bit of everything

Daddy, Auntie Tammy, and Cousin Jordan made it safe and sound late Friday night. Everyone went to bed a little late. CTB was off of his routine so he woke up at 2:45am and then again at 5:45am.  Everyone spent the morning in their PJ's just being lazy.  CTB enjoyed playing with Jordan and all the attention from everyone!
 Hanging out with Cousin Jordan!
 Sitting up like a big boy!
Morning nap after all of the excitement!

After CTB's morning nap, I got him all dressed up to see the Easter Bunny!  I think that I was more excited for him to get his picture taken than anyone else!  I got him all dressed and made sure I had a bib so that he wouldn't spit up all over his cute shirt before we got our picture!

  Aftter a successful picture with the Easter Bunny, we walked around the mall a little bit. Daddy and Jordan played with some cool cars on a race track and then we were off to the Outlets.  It was time for you to eat so we were on another search for an outlet to warm up your bottle.  Luckily, Jordan has some good eyes and found one.  Daddy warmed up your bottle and after you ate you got to hang out and walk around!

  After a little while we went back to the condo. Everybody else went out to the beach for some fun in the sun but CTB and I stayed back for a quick nap before joining everyone!  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 1 of Vacation-- Outlets and Outlets

For the trip down to Myrtle Beach, I had a plan on how I wanted things to go.  I planned on waking up at my "normal" time  around 5am, showering while CTB slept, pack the last minute items in the car, wake up CTB, feed him, and then lock and load. Here is how the morning really went..... Mommy wakes up at 3:30am. I go downstairs and wash some bottles I hadn't planned on taking but decided it would be nice to have them.  I go back upstairs and try to go back to sleep but no such luck.  Around 5am I get in the shower and get myself ready.  I go downstairs and check Carter's List...first I cross through the items that I have packed and then they get a check when they have successfully made it into the car.
Around 6:00am (on schedule), RTB wakes up little man. He changes him, feeds, him, and burps him while I get all last minute items in the car. 

Finally at 6:32am, CTB and I are loaded in the car and headed to MiMi's house to get her! We arrive and get all of her stuff in the car and we are on the road by 6:50am...10 minutes ahead of schedule ;)
CTB played with his lovie for about 15 minutes and then was out until we got to the Carolina Premium Outlets! MiMi fed him in the car while I ran into Cracker Barrel to go potty.  Once CTB was done eating we walked around Cracker Barrel and changed CTB.  We decided we needed some more time to let CTB stretch out so we also walked around Carolina Pottery..trouble! After about 1 1/2 hours we were back on the road.  Our next stop was right off of 17 outside of Wilmington.  It was time for CTB to eat and I realized I hadn't eaten a thing all day.  I went in search for an outlet but couldn't find one.  It ends up I had to stand on a chair at the entrance of this restaurant in order to heat up CTB's bottle...the things you do for your kids:)
We were back on the road after I scarfed down lunch and got some gas. MiMi sat in the back with CTB for the last leg of  the trip and played with him until he fell asleep.  Then.... FINALLY! We were at the beach!  We made it! Now we just had to wait for daddy, Auntie Tammy, and Cousin Jordan to arrive later that night!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Life Lesson #1

  I hope that as the parents of CTB we will of course teach him his ABC's, 123's, colors, shapes, etc.  Hopefully he will also learn those tough life lessons along the way.  A lesson that I still struggle with on a daily basis because I am such a people pleaser is
"You can't make everyone happy" 
Well with every problem there is a solution and so far the only solution I have found with this is to make sure that you are happy and next that whatever you are doing doesn't blatently harm anyone else.  It extremely tough to do this but you are the only one who can make you happy so do what you need to do! So CTB as it comes time for you to make decisions that can affect other people in different ways just make sure that you are making yourself happy because that is the number one priority.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Everything but the Kitchen Sink

Spring Break is almost within reach which means we are taking our first real live ROADTRIP!  We are headed to my second home, Myrtle Beach!  My family has a condo on the beach there and I have gone there every year since I was born!  I'm hoping that Carter will carry on my love for the beach and especially Myrtle!  In preparation for our first week long trip I am preparing a packing list!  RTB and MiMi will also be in attendance for this momentous occasion and I can't wait!  So here it is...THE LIST! Mind you this only includes Carter's stuff not mommy or daddy's! WHEW!

Carter’s Packing List

-       Diapers
-       Wipes
-       Desitin
-       Bath Soap (Bedtime & Cetaphil)
-       Lotion (Bedtime & Eucerin)
-       Cortisone Cream
-       First Aid Kit
-       Bath Towel (3)
-       Washcloth (6)
-       Bath Brush (1)
-       Sleepers (5)
-       Snuggies (2)
-       Bathing Suit & Rash Guard
-       Sun Hat & Sunglasses
-       Sunscreen
-       Day Outfits
o      Easter Onesie w/ Khaki Shorts & Matching Hat
o      Plaid Shorts w/ Onesie
o      Wild Romper
o      Polo Romper
o      Baseball Romper
o      Jeans w/ Onesie
o      Polo Long Sleeved One Pieces (3)
-       Socks
-       Shoes?
-       Pack’n’Play
-       Pack’n’Play Sheet
-       Receiving Blankets (6)
-       Burp Clothes (as many as you can find!)
-       Bibs (as many as you can find!)
-       Cloud B Giraffe*
-       Activity Mat
-       Bob the Builder
-       Toys (sound cube, moosie, baby Einstein)
-       Bottle Brush*
-       Bottles
-       Sterilizer Bag (2)
-       Bottle Warmer*
-       Dreft
-       Dreft Stain Remover
-       Paci (as many as you can find)
-       Easter Basket
-       Easter Basket goodies
-       Digital Camera & Charger
-       Video Camera & Accessories

* indicates last minute item