Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 2 of Vacation: A little bit of everything

Daddy, Auntie Tammy, and Cousin Jordan made it safe and sound late Friday night. Everyone went to bed a little late. CTB was off of his routine so he woke up at 2:45am and then again at 5:45am.  Everyone spent the morning in their PJ's just being lazy.  CTB enjoyed playing with Jordan and all the attention from everyone!
 Hanging out with Cousin Jordan!
 Sitting up like a big boy!
Morning nap after all of the excitement!

After CTB's morning nap, I got him all dressed up to see the Easter Bunny!  I think that I was more excited for him to get his picture taken than anyone else!  I got him all dressed and made sure I had a bib so that he wouldn't spit up all over his cute shirt before we got our picture!

  Aftter a successful picture with the Easter Bunny, we walked around the mall a little bit. Daddy and Jordan played with some cool cars on a race track and then we were off to the Outlets.  It was time for you to eat so we were on another search for an outlet to warm up your bottle.  Luckily, Jordan has some good eyes and found one.  Daddy warmed up your bottle and after you ate you got to hang out and walk around!

  After a little while we went back to the condo. Everybody else went out to the beach for some fun in the sun but CTB and I stayed back for a quick nap before joining everyone!  

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