Monday, August 27, 2012

227 days later.......

227 days later........ CTB finally got to meet his Uncle Rusty.  Rusty was stationed in Hawaii with the U.S. Army and had come home for Christmas but had left just one week shy of CTB's big debut! So CTB had to wait and wait and wait to meet his one and only Uncle for 7 1/2 months!

  I knew that I wanted to have something special for CTB to wear but also kept in mind that these were men I was dealing with so didn't want to go to crazy on the cuteness factor!  I ordered a bib from an Etsy Shop that was made out of original army fatigues and had "BEVAN" embroidered on one of the tags.  I was SOO excited about this looks completely legit! The day before he arrived, CTB and I made a sign to hold for him at the airport in case he didn't see the other 6 people trampling him down ;)

  Finally at 11:30am only 18 minutes after the orginal arrival time (it was late due to storms), Rusty came walking out of the gate!! YAAAAY!!! Everyone had their tears and got their hugs! CTB was very interested in this new man...he looks a lot like RTB but kind of not in the same sense! Now CTB has met all of his aunts and uncles!! WHEW that only took half a year!

 At Auntie Tammy's wearing my cool Bib!
 Holding the sign
"I've been waiting my whole life to meet you! (That's 227 days to be exact!)"
 The handoff!
Hiiii Uncle Rusty!

Caught on video

Friday, August 24, 2012

6 month Pictures

Well I'll start by saying I have over 1000 pictures and 50+ videos of CTB since I got my new phone in April! July 11 my baby boy turned 6 months old and I knew I wanted his pictures to be extra special. My dad, myself, and my sister all had our 6 month pictures taken at Caston Studios. We all have a composite print and I knew I had to carry on the tradition with CTB!
Luckily my grandmother and mom had saved the outfits that we had worn. Since my sister and I are girls I opted for the outfit my dad wore! How special! The day of pictures CTB and I had a great experience! The photographer was wonderful! That day we got the proofs a few hours after the shoot. It took me 3 weeks to decide on which pictures and package we were going to choose! Finally before we went on vacation I ordered the pictures and today the order was ready! My favorite, the composite, made me cry when I saw it!

{CTB's 6 month}
{My 6 month}
{My Dad's 6 month}

Monday, August 20, 2012

Family Vacation 2012

Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Tammy, MiMi, and PaPa went on your second vacation to Myrtle Beach. Mommy had LOTS of planning, lists, and packing to get ready for the big travel day!  Finally, the morning came and MiMi and Mommy left really early around 4am to head down to SC and Daddy, Auntie tammy, and CTB waited to do CTB's morning routine before "locking and loading" to head down. Every bag of CTB's was labeled with the content inside 1. to ensure that everything made it down there and 2. to help out everyone to know where to find things. I tied the cutely typed labels with brown polka dot ribbon and surely enough EVERYTHING made it down to SC in one piece... (plus a little extra thanks to Daddy).  

  The week was spent spending time at the beach, pool, shopping, and the aquarium.  CTB especially loved the pool.  He loved to cruise around the shallow end in his car float with his cool man sunglasses on and hat.  PaPa liked to pretend like CTB were in NASCAR and would swirl him around the pool! CTB also loved to "schwim schwim".  We swore that if we let him go in the water he would swim across the pool.  His legs had the breast stroke motion down perfectly and your arms weren't far behind. We went out to dinner a few times and CTB did a great job being a "big boy" in the high chair at the table!  He also got to eat his first ice cream from an ice cream place I had been going to since I was a little girl, Painter's.  It did rain one day and Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Tammy, and CTB went to the aquarium.  CTB just took everything in. He didn't cry but he also wasn't giggling and laughing.  He just looked around with his mouth wide open for most of the time. 

  I can't wait to continue our family vacations each year down to Myrtle Beach.  I have my fondest memories as a child down there in the summer and can't wait for CTB to make memories of his own!

Friday, August 3, 2012

And then there was TeTe

Well it only took 5 months for you to finally meet your TeTe.  We had sent pictures, videos, and Skyped with her before but the day finally came for you to meet her!  TeTe was in town for her birthday and we rushed over to MiMi & PaPa's house as soon as we could Friday afternoon to see her..
 Saturday was TeTe's birthday party so we spent the morning helping MiMi get the house & porch ready.  That night we celebrated her birthday & CTB was cranky!! Poor baby was just having an off day. Mommy and daddy tag-teamed upstairs with you until daddy just took you home so mommy could enjoy having fun with TeTe!

The next morning before TeTe had to get on the airplane to go back to Indy, we had lunch with her! We are going to miss her SO much but will get to see her for a longer time in August!