Friday, August 3, 2012

And then there was TeTe

Well it only took 5 months for you to finally meet your TeTe.  We had sent pictures, videos, and Skyped with her before but the day finally came for you to meet her!  TeTe was in town for her birthday and we rushed over to MiMi & PaPa's house as soon as we could Friday afternoon to see her..
 Saturday was TeTe's birthday party so we spent the morning helping MiMi get the house & porch ready.  That night we celebrated her birthday & CTB was cranky!! Poor baby was just having an off day. Mommy and daddy tag-teamed upstairs with you until daddy just took you home so mommy could enjoy having fun with TeTe!

The next morning before TeTe had to get on the airplane to go back to Indy, we had lunch with her! We are going to miss her SO much but will get to see her for a longer time in August!

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