Monday, August 20, 2012

Family Vacation 2012

Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Tammy, MiMi, and PaPa went on your second vacation to Myrtle Beach. Mommy had LOTS of planning, lists, and packing to get ready for the big travel day!  Finally, the morning came and MiMi and Mommy left really early around 4am to head down to SC and Daddy, Auntie tammy, and CTB waited to do CTB's morning routine before "locking and loading" to head down. Every bag of CTB's was labeled with the content inside 1. to ensure that everything made it down there and 2. to help out everyone to know where to find things. I tied the cutely typed labels with brown polka dot ribbon and surely enough EVERYTHING made it down to SC in one piece... (plus a little extra thanks to Daddy).  

  The week was spent spending time at the beach, pool, shopping, and the aquarium.  CTB especially loved the pool.  He loved to cruise around the shallow end in his car float with his cool man sunglasses on and hat.  PaPa liked to pretend like CTB were in NASCAR and would swirl him around the pool! CTB also loved to "schwim schwim".  We swore that if we let him go in the water he would swim across the pool.  His legs had the breast stroke motion down perfectly and your arms weren't far behind. We went out to dinner a few times and CTB did a great job being a "big boy" in the high chair at the table!  He also got to eat his first ice cream from an ice cream place I had been going to since I was a little girl, Painter's.  It did rain one day and Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Tammy, and CTB went to the aquarium.  CTB just took everything in. He didn't cry but he also wasn't giggling and laughing.  He just looked around with his mouth wide open for most of the time. 

  I can't wait to continue our family vacations each year down to Myrtle Beach.  I have my fondest memories as a child down there in the summer and can't wait for CTB to make memories of his own!

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