Sunday, May 13, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ballgame...

As previously mentioned, I am very active in Sigma Kappa and we do some pretty awesome events! After our amazing cookout/fundraiser we had one of my favorite events of the year planned..... a baseball game and not just any baseball game but CTB's very first baseball game!
   If you know anything about my side of the family you know that baseball is a BIG deal!  My dad played in high school, I played from the age of 8 through high school, and my younger sister played.  Every time CTB goes to my parent's house and PaPa is there they have to have their "practice"....PaPa practices throwing techniques and batting's really cute to watch!
  Anyway, we were off to see our very first Flying Squirrels game.  Unfortunately daddy had to work but MiMi, Auntie Tammy, Jordan, and all of mommy's sisters were there!  It was definitely a whole process getting into the game.  I had CTB in the baby bjorn on the front of me and used a modified bag, my vera backpack, for the diaper bag instead of my huge Kate Spade diaper bag I normally carry!  By the time I had gotten him situated on me and my bag straight and we started to walk towards the ticket booth I was already exhausted and had to pee!! Luckily MiMi was there to help shuffle things around and hold this and then hold that!  Finally, we made it into the stands and got to enjoy the game.....well I think we only made it 3 or 4 innings!  Here are so pictures of your first of many more baseball games! I can't wait to watch you one day on the field little man!

And I couldn't resist posting a video of CTB's batting and throwing practice with PaPa

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