Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Eve

   Well I was unaware that Mother's Day was like Christmas and was celebrated on two days...I'm not sure my husband knew this either but {Shhh!}  Anyway, I have had pneumonia and poor CTB has been passed around to minimize the chance of him catching anything.  Luckily MiMi came to save the day and CTB spent Friday night and Saturday morning/early afternoon with her. WHEW!
   Saturday morning, I got something I had been talking about FOREVER...well really only since CTB rolled over so less than a week but it seemed like forever!! A PLAYROOM for munchkin!  I was soo excited when RTB was just as excited as me to give CTB a safe place to roll around and play! SO Happy Mother's Day Eve to ME!!!

I definitely still have some work to do in this the walls, curtains, and arrangement of things but this is a pretty good start! I LOVE that I can be cooking, washing dishes, etc. and I can see CTB playing and rolling around <3

Excuse the "man" voice I have...... that's the pneumonia talking :)

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