Saturday, March 3, 2012

Going Back...Christmas 2011

  As I think I may have mentioned in an earlier post, my little sister (TeTe) and RTB's little brother both live out of state.  Now when I say out of state not just in North sister lives in Indianapolis, IN 10 hours away and his brother, Rusty, is stationed in Hawaii a million hours away. We were lucky enough that they both made plans to come home to RIC for Christmas.  Rusty was home for a whole month and TeTe came home for 2 weeks!!  My due date was January 9, 2012 so with both of them home for Christmas I had a serious talk with Carter.  I believe it was the first real serious talk I had with my son....

"Carter Thomas this is your Mommy.  It is getting really close to Christmas and your Uncle and Aunt have come a long way on airplanes to visit.  They really want to meet you so it would be great if you could make your grand appearance while they are home.  Your Daddy and I promise to make your living conditions just as comfortable and warm as they are now. Love, Mommy and Daddy"

So those weeks before and after Christmas I did everything I could to help Carter along.  I ate about 2 pineapples a day, drank some yucky organic tea, and walked, walked, walked.  I even power walked Ikea and Potomac Mills hoping to help the little man along.  Well...... I learned my first lesson in becoming a parent.  BAHAHAHAHA is what Carter said.  Clearly I do not make the plans anymore and Carter made sure that I understood this. So TeTe went back on her place to Indianapolis and Rusty got on his plane back to Hawaii and Carter was nestled snug as a bug in a rug in my ENORMOUS belly.

 Merry Christmas from the Bevan kids (RTB, Aunt Tammy, Aunt Kelly, Uncle Rusty)
Merry Christmas from the Carter girls (TeTe, CGB)

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