Thursday, March 1, 2012

Going Back......I Do!

Starting to blog again has been on my mind since Carter was born because I want to have something that documents the good, the bad, and the ugly of his first year.  So here I am!  It's hard to start where we are without going back to where we began......

The Mr. and I got married November 12, 2011....almost exactly one year after we started dating! We got married on the sound in Corolla and it was the most perfect day EVER!  The weather was gorgeous, everything was falling into place, and I was about to marry the man of my dreams!  We were lucky enough to have two houses that allowed us to give our families each a place to stay!  Even TeTe, my sister, was able to make the trip from Indy to be apart of the big day and Rusty, Mr.'s brother who is in the Army stationed in Hawaii, was Skyped in. The wedding was perfect with our families and closest friends and our "after party" was one to be remembered.  I could not have done everything without the help of my mom and two best friends from college! Here are a few pictures of the BIG day
 Mr. & Mrs. RTB
 Me & my FABULOUS sister
 My family
 His family
 My two best friends, photographer and cake decorator
Mr. & Mrs. RTB and CTB

Oh yea....did i forget to mention I was 32 weeks pregnant with our little man the day we got married :) 

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