Sunday, March 4, 2012

Going Back...The Days Leading Up to Carter's Birthday

January 9, 2012......I had been saying and thinking that date for 9 months.  I couldn't wait for it to get here and for us to meet our little man!  A little disappointed that Carter was not able to meet his TeTe and Uncle while they were home over Christmas, I headed to my 39 week appointment with Dr. M on January 4, 2012.  Rewinding a little bit...I had been 1cm dilated for over a month now and having Braxton Hicks contractions pretty intensely at night. So going into my 39 week appointment I just KNEW he was going to send me to L&D because I was 3+cm dilated and ready to get this show on the road.
   So Dr. M's nurse calls my name and takes me back to get weighed at which point I turn around because I do NOT even want to guess what I weigh at 39 weeks pregnant!  Then we go into an exam room where she takes my blood pressure...which was perfect and then asks jokingly if I need to go to the bathroom....DUH!! So Dr. M comes in and says "Well...I see you are STILL pregnant. When are you going to get this show on the road?"  Of course at the time I did NOT find this funny in the slightest... I was so miserable with no sleep and still working full-time that joking was not what I wanted to hear. But I kept quiet until he checked me because I just knew that it was all going to be over soon. Dr. M checks me and says "Well still about 2cm dilated BUT his head is up in Charlottesville!" (still not laughing at these jokes).  I had to fight back the tears because I was so frustrated and I completely lost my filter and said "Well then what are YOU going to do about this? Let's get this show on the road."  Surprisingly, he began making a plan....THANK GOODNESS!  "Well I am looking to have you induced next week either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. I will check with the schedule and have the hospital call you to give you an exact date and time. Sound good?"  "YES!"
   So I left the appointment excited and hopeful because now we had a plan.  I work so much better when I know what to expect and can follow a plan.  I called RTB, Mom, Dad, and TeTe to tell them how the appointment went.  I thought I was going to have to wait ALL day for the phone call from the hospital but they called within an hour of my appointment and schedule my induction for January 11, 2012.  A little disappointed it wasn't Monday, his due date, but still sounded like a great day!
  Fast forward to Tuesday, January 10, 2012...... I hadn't felt the baby move in over 12 hours and Dr. M had reminded me of the seriousness of this at a previous appointment when RTB mentioned that there was a period of 18 hours when I hadn't felt the baby move and Dr. M was concerned that I hadn't called about that. So I was now on high alert and of course called.  Dr. M wanted me to come in immediately to check on the baby.  I went in and was put on two monitors. I laid in the room for about 30 minutes and Dr. M came back in and looked at all of the data on the paper and said "He looks and sounds great! So no worries."  He decided to check me just for good measure... of course I got "Well still about 2cm and his head is STILL up in Charlottesville." This time I laughed at his joke and then he got real serious, which is not normal for him.
 He said "Courtney, I know that you are a planner so I just want you to know that the baby may not come out on his own."  "DO WHAT? What does that mean?" Dr. M went on to explain that his head was not dropping down which meant that either A. he was just really comfortable or B. his head was not going to fit through my pelvic area.  He also said that if he had to give his expert opinion he would guess that our induction ended in a C-section. He said that he could be wrong and the baby may come on his own once given a little push with the pitocin and once he breaks my water it could cause his head to drop.
  Oh Lord!  So I left that appointment beginning to prepare myself for a possible C-section but also preparing myself for a regular delivery. I went home and packed an extra outfit in my hospital bag and prepared to be gone for 3 nights instead of 2 nights.
  That night RTB and I enjoyed our last night as a family of two and excited to end the next day as a family of 3!!!

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