Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Going Back....Delivery

The nurse came in the room and gave RTB scrubs to put on.  It was quite humorous watching him put them on so that helped lighten the mood a little bit.  He had barely gotten them on and they were wheeling me out of the room.  I gave a hug and kiss to my parents and off to the OR we went.  We got to the door and RTB had to wait outside while they got everything prepped.  They said they would come and get him when it was time.
    Once in the OR, they needed to switch beds....HAHA! If you've ever had a c-section OR had your body numbed from the chest down you know why I laugh.  I could not move anything and everything they moved for me felt like it weighed 1 million pounds.  Well the nurses did the ole "heave hoe" and I found myself flat backed on the OR table.  They put the sheet up, layed my arms beside me, and began talking about the donuts that were in the employee lounge.  ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?!?  I hadn't eaten in 24 hours and you are about to cut my insides out and you are talking about donuts...anyway I digress.
   It seemed like an hour before they called RTB into the room. Finally, he was there and I had someone to talk to and comfort me.  The nurses explained that I might feel some tugging or pulling but I should not feel any pain.  Dr. M came in and before we knew it he had begun.  Funny thing is that I didn't feel anything at all.  I kept asking RTB what was going on because it just felt like I was laying there to take a nap or something.  I didn't feel anything until...... one of the nurses practically sat on my ribcage to push CTB down and man did I feel that.
   Soon after the push from the nurse I heard Dr. M say he was here! HOW EXCITING!! But wait? I didn't hear anything.  I can remember saying to RTB "Why isn't he crying? Why isn't he crying?" I couldn't say anything else then I demanded that RTB leave me and go see the baby.  As soon as he stood up I heard CTB cry for the first time and of course I cried.  They held him up for me to see and then took his weight, length, and got him all handsome. RTB brought him over to me and I got to kiss him and watch him while they sewed me back up.  Watching RTB hold him for the first time made me so excited for our new life a family of 3. RTB was so natural and so in love with CTB and it beamed from his face as he watched the first movements of his son.
  It seemed like I had just entered the OR when they were wheeling us back into the L&D room where my parents were waiting patiently to meet their grandson. My dad had brought a baseball glove to the hospital for CTB and I will never forget the look on my mom and dad's face when they each held him for the first time. I could tell that they fell in love with CTB as instantly as I did.  Soon after, RTB's youngest sister and Rusty's girlfriend arrived and then RTB's mom. CTB was so alert and was already sucking on his fingers. Everyone got a chance to hold CTB and then it was time for him to go upstairs to the nursery.  And when CTB left the room so did everyone else.
    Soon after I was taken up to a Postpartum Room and they brought CTB back with me.  That night it was just me, RTB, and CTB.

9lbs 2oz. 21 1/2 inches
 The first of many Bevan Family pictures
 PaPa & CTB
 MiMi & CTB
 Aunt Kelly & CTB
 Kaitlyn & CTB
 Granny & CTB
CTB in the nursery

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