Friday, March 9, 2012

Going Back....Coming Home

 January 14, 2012..WAHOO!! After our 3 night stay at HDH it was finally time to try out this parenthood thing at home! I could hardly wait to get home with my own bed and all of MY stuff! That morning the nurse came in and asked me "What time do you want to go?"  Of course I said ASAP! She said "Ok, I will start getting your discharge papers started, pull out your staples, and let the nursery know!"  YAY!! I was so excited that within a matter of hours we were going to be going home!  I showered, got ready, packed up the room, and sat like a little girl on Christmas morning on my bed waiting for them to bring CTB to me with all of his bracelets cut off like a free man!  Well a few hours passed and I started to get antsy and impatient.  The nurse came in with CTB and told me that we were just waiting on the Pediatrician to come and discharge CTB.  Lucky was a Saturday! So of course the doctor's don't come in bright and early.  So it wasn't until around 2pm that we got the all clear for both of us to go!  I thought it would never get here! I dressed CTB in his cute monogrammed onesie, khaki's, and cute monogrammed jacket. RTB and I both got him situated in his car seat. RTB went to get the car and a nurse escorted me downstairs with CTB and we were off!

 I think that RTB drove about 10 MPH on the way home.  I sat in the back with CTB and just stared at him! Finally, we pulled into the driveway and were HOME!! Luckily, my mom met us at the house to take the first pictures at home of all of us.
 Just out of the car!
 Welcome home little man!
 Finally inside and out of the car seat!
Sleeping soundly in his bassinet after a LONG, HARD day!
Now begins the real fun of parenthood where we are left to our own devices to figure everything out! SOO EXCITING and FRIGHTENING at the same time!!

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